
kidz Auto Manner version 1.1 released

Today, new application kidz Auto Manner is released.

This is the application to register the timers for the manner mode and the Wi-Fi setting.

The version 1.0 was very simple one and was not released on google play.

I brush up UI of the application and add the function which can specify the days of week.


Alarm Manager

I am programming an application using a daily timer with Alarm Manager.

For test, I set its interval to one minute.  Its almost works good.

After that, I set the interval to one day.  It didn't work.

Now I understood it was caused by the method AlarmManager#setInexactRepeating().

Its inexactness depends on its interval, maybe.

So, inexact-range of daily is too wide.  It could not be used for daily timer.

I will use AlarmManager#setRepeating().  It spends the battery more than that, but is exact.


Check the report.

Developers can check the application stats.

So I often check the darts counter's stat.
It says my app was downloaded over 450 users and used over 150 users.  I'm very pleased about it.

In the other hand, only one user rated on it.  I want more feedback from users.

Anyway, this report brings motivation for me.

I need ideas for next applications.


Add a fail-safe.

The application reported the exception, by failing parseInt().

Then I add the fail-safe scheme to parse the text for handy-cap area.


Add cricket game

I added one more game, cricket.

This game may not be popular in the hard darts game, but major one in the digital darts.

But one option remains, the mark handy-cap is new feature.  It will be supported in the next version.


Small banner in the application detail page

When you browse the application detail page with Android browser, there is a small banner in left-top.

That banner is specified as a small promotion icon in the developer console.

I didn't set the promotion icon because it was option.  But it is necessary to show the application detail page better.